São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Reverse Engineering of Processed Foods |
The school aims at providing an opportunity for graduate students as well as young researchers, from Brazil and abroad, to get together and attend talks on current topics of Food Design.
The course will address the epidemiological considerations, Pros and Cons of processed foods and the recent improvements, potentiality and limitations in the assessment of nutrients, ingredients, additives and processes of present-day foods.
New strategies to increase satiating and to improve nutrient/nutraceutical bioavailability will be pointed.
Regular graduate students (master or doctoral candidates) at recognized graduate programs and post-doctoral researchers will be eligible (proof of enrolment for students and letter of post-doctoral acceptance for post-docs will be necessary). Young researchers, having received their doctoral degrees no longer than 5 years before October 2017, will also qualify.
Candidates that do not completely fill out the form or do not provide all the necessary documents will not be considered in the selection process. Up to 100 candidates will be selected for the course – about 50% from Brazil and 50% from other countries.
The official language of the course will be English.
Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos/Unicamp
Field of Knowledge
Food science and technology
Academic Director
Miriam Dupas Hubinger
Grant Number
2017-09-25 to 2017-10-04
Registration Deadline
Food, Processed Foods, Reverse Engineering, Food Science
Click here to Download the Program (PDF)
25/09 - Monday
16h00 - 18h00
Registration and Welcome reception
Dinner and Social Program
26/09 - Tuesday
09h00 - 10h30
Opening section - Reverse Engineering on Food Processes - Prof. Dr. Miriam D. Hubinger - FEA/UNICAMP - SPSAC chair
10h30 - 11h00
Coffee break
11h00 - 12h30
Stating a Problem: Epidemiology of Chronic, non-Communicable Diseases – what can we learn from the genome and the metagenome - Prof. Dr. Karsten Kristiansen - University of Copenhagen - Denmark
12h30 - 14h00
14h00 - 15h30
Craving Calories - Prof. Dr. Yvan de Araujo - Yale University, USA
15h30 - 16h15
Coffee break
16h15 - 18h00
Why are We Tolerant to Xenobiotics? Thought Provoking Observations - Prof. Dr. Jaime Amaya Farfan - FEA/UNICAMP – Brazil
Dinner and Social Program
27/09 - Wednesday
09h00 - 10h30
The SHIME System - Prof. Dr. Katia Sivieri - UNESP/Araraquara - Brazil
10h30 - 11h00
Coffee break
11h00 - 12h30
How food behaves in the human digestive system - Prof. Dr. Mike Boland - Massey University - New Zealand
12h30 - 14h00
14h00 - 15h30
Human Digestion: A Critical Comparison of In Vitro and In Vivo Systems - Prof. Dr. Mike Boland - Massey University - New Zealand
15h30 - 16h15
Coffee break
16h15 - 18h00
Hands on in a TIM Simulator : Building of a System - Prof. Dr. Rosiane Lopes da Cunha - FEA/UNICAMP - Brazil
Dinner and Social Program
28/09 - Thurday
09h00 - 10h30
Dietary Proteins and the Metagenome - Prof. Dr. Karsten Kristiansen - University of Copenhagen - Denmark
10h30 - 11h00
Coffee break
11h00 - 12h30
Dietary Lipids and the Metagenome - Prof. Dr. Karsten Kristiansen - University of Copenhagen - Denmark
12h30 - 14h00
14h00 - 15h30
Dietary Carbohydrates and the Metagenome - Prof. Dr. Karsten Kristiansen - University of Copenhagen - Denmark
15h30 - 16h15
Coffee break
16h15 - 18h00
Poster Session
Dinner and Social program
29/09 - Friday
09h00 - 12h30
Visit to Brazilian Synchotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) - Campinas, Brazil
12h30 - 14h00
14h00 - 18h00
Visit to Central Laboratory of High Performance Technologies (LaCTAD) - Campinas, Brazil
Dinner and Social program
30/09 - Saturday
09h00 - 10h30
Human Microbiome - Linking Long-Term Dietary Patterns with Gut Microbial Enterotypes - Prof. Dr. Christian Hoffmann - FCF/USP - Brazil
10h30 - 11h00
Coffee break
11h00 - 12h30
Murine Microbiome as a Criterion of Wholesomeness - Impact of Protein Type on the Gut Microbiome - Prof. Dr. Jaime Amaya Farfan - FEA/UNICAMP – Brazil
12h30 - 14h00
14h00 - 15h30
The impact of ingredients and processes on formulation strategies - Prof. Dr. Antonio Vicente - University of Minho - Portugal
15h30 - 16h15
Coffee break and Poster session
16h15 - 18h00
The impact of ingredients and processes on formulation strategies - Prof. Dr. Antonio Vicente - University of Minho - Portugal
Dinner and Social program
01/10 - Sunday
09h00 - 12h30
Sunday Activities
12h30 - 14h00
14h00 - 18h00
Sunday Activities
Dinner and Social program
02/10 - Monday
09h00 - 10h30
The Impact of Ingredients and Processes on Formulation Strategies - Prof. Dr. Ashok Patel - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory - Portugal
10h30 - 11h00
Coffee break
11h00 - 12h30
The Impact of Ingredients and Processes on Formulation Strategies - Prof. Dr. Rosiane Lopes da Cunha - FEA/UNICAMP - Brazil
12h30 - 14h00
14h00 - 15h30
Strategies for New Food Formulation to Increase Satiety - Prof. Dr. Ashok Patel - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory - Portugal
15h30 - 16h15
Coffee break and Poster session
16h15 - 18h00
Rheological and viscoelastic properties and food satiety - Prof. Dr. Paulo Sobral - FZEA/USP - Brazil
Dinner and Social program
03/10 - Tuesday
09h00 - 10h30
Strategies for New Food Formulation to Increase Satiety - Prof. Dr. Ashok Patel - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory - Portugal
10h30 - 11h00
Coffee break
11h00 - 12h30
Potential Sensorial Strategies to Increase Food Satiety - Prof. Dr. Mike Boland - Massey University - New Zealand
12h30 - 14h00
14h00 - 15h30
Integrating consumer attitude, expectation and affection in product development and communication on healthy eating - Prof. Dr. Jorge Herman Behrens - FEA/UNICAMP - Brazil
15h30 - 16h15
Coffee break and Poster session
16h15 - 18h00
Workshop : Discutions and Remarks
Dinner and Social program
04/10 - Wednesday
09h00 - 10h30
Summary and Proposals for the Reverse Engineering of Processed Foods - Prof. Dr. Miriam D. Hubinger - FEA/UNICAMP - Brazil (chair)
10h30 - 11h00
Coffee break
11h00 - 12h30
Meeting Challenges: Future Steps Towards Making Foods Health-Promoting - Prof. Dr. Miriam D. Hubinger - FEA/UNICAMP - Brazil (chair)
12h30 - 14h00
14h00 - 15h30
Discussion and conclusions
15h30 - 16h15
Coffee break/Poster session
16h15 - 18h00
Closing Cerimony