Advanced Topics in Computational Biology – Agrochemical and Drug Design |
Advanced Topics in Computational Biology – Agrochemical and Drug Design aims to provide an update on recent research in computational biology, involving areas such as biotechnology, structural biology, high performance computing, drug design, plant protection, cancer research etc. In addition, the course encourages the development of collaborative research projects among Brazilian and foreign scientists. The scientific program covers the following areas: computationally based approaches to agrochemical and drug discovery; application and limitations of structural data in structure-guided ligand and drug design; docking algorithms and scoring functions; combating drug resistance; selecting appropriate targets for agrochemical design; virtual high throughput screening; protein structure function analysis; fragment based drug design; computational approaches to predicting aqueous solubility. In addition, the School will allow the development of knowledge of new techniques applied in biotechnology, encouraging the development of collaborative research projects between Brazilian and other countries.
Embrapa Informática Agropecuária
Field of Knowledge
Academic Director
Goran Nesic
Grant Number
2012-04-01 to 2012-04-04
Registration Deadline
Computational biology, Protein structure, Protein targets